MHADA Exam Leak Paper: Pune Police Raids IT firm director Deshmukh’s house

MHADA Exam Leak Paper: Pune Police Raids IT firm director Deshmukh’s house
December 15, 2021

Pune : Policenama online  – In the MHADA exam paper leak case, the cyber branch police have seized four pen drives, a tab, and a mobile in a raid conducted at Director of G A Software Dr Pritish Deshmukh’s Kharalwadi residence on Monday. MHADA had assigned Deshmukh’s company to conduct the exams for jobs.

According to the police information, a few agents called up Deshmukh on his mobile phone asking for ‘house appliances’ after he was arrested. This led to a revelation that Deshmukh had set a code phrase ‘Gharatil Vastu’ (house appliances) i.e. ‘house’ for MHADA and ‘appliances’ for exam paper to communicate with 10 agents.

These agents were to instruct certain candidates to submit blank exam papers. Deshmukh was to change the OMR sheets so that these candidates will clear the exam.

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