MPSC takes action against Anil Patil and Jayashri Naik selected as naib tehsildar

MPSC Action On Nayab Tahsildar | MPSC takes action against Anil Patil and Jayashri Naik selected as naib tehsildar
May 30, 2023

Pune: Policenama online  – MPSC Action On Nayab Tahsildar | The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has taken action against two candidates selected for the post of naib tehsildar, who made false claims that they were qualified players. Besides cancelling their candidature, they have been permanently restrained from taking any MPSC exam. (MPSC Action On Nayab Tahsildar)


The MPSC has tweeted about this action. Anil Patil and Jayashri Naik were selected as naib tehsildars in the state services exam 2019. Both had claimed that they were qualified players. However, the claim proved to be false during the verification done by the MPSC. Hence, the action has been taken for cheating against them.


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