Kalyani Nagar Joggers Park

Pune : There is a serious health concern in the Kalyani Nagar area as sewage water has been flowing on the road near Jogger’s Park for the past several days. Local residents have lodged many complaints with the civic administration; however, action has not been taken yet.

The Team Swachh Kalyani Nagar (TSKN) has now written a letter to top civic officials, including Municipal Commissioner Rajendra Bhosale, Additional Municipal Commissioner Ravindra Binwade, Ward Officer Somnath Bankar, Chief Garden Superintendent Ashok Ghorpade and Superintending Engineer Dinkar Gojare. The residents have appealed to them to take immediate measures to alleviate the health menace and several impending issues.

The TSKN letter states: “We are writing on behalf of Kalyani Nagar residents to bring to your notice a very serious pressing issue of frequent and critical foul smelling waterlogging faced by the residents at the main gate of the Joggers Park (JP) on North Avenue, Kalyani Nagar (KN), Pune.

“This frequent waterlogging is causing extreme difficulty for residents, especially senior citizens, to cross over to enter or exit the Joggers Park society. A constant fear of slipping or falling down while crossing over is thus putting the safety and health of the KN residents at risk.

“Since this has been happening frequently and will further add on to the flooding during the monsoon, we hereby request the PMC to plan and implement a permanent solution for this problem.”

The letter has been undersigned by TSKN Chairperson Rachna Aggarwal.

Jaffar Iqbal, Secretary, TSKN, said, “Overflowing sewage water presents several threats to public health, chief among them are gastrointestinal disorders, skin infections, allergies, and vector-borne diseases such as malaria and dengue. Additionally, stagnant pools of untreated waste water serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other vermin, exacerbating risks associated with infectious agents harbored by said organisms.

“Furthermore, persistent contact with contaminated water erodes soil composition, undermining structural integrity of adjacent properties while simultaneously polluting groundwater reserves vital for domestic consumption.”

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