Thousands of people in Switzerland are burying their underwear, but why?

Mumbai : Do you know how to check the quality of clay? If you don’t know, you should know about this unique experiment being done in Switzerland. It is said that 2000 underwear are being buried in Switzerland in order to obtain information about the health of the soil.
According to the report, farmers and garden owners in Switzerland are burying 2000 white underwear in the ground for a research to check soil quality. The State Research Institute ‘Agroscope’ in Switzerland is sending 2 pairs of white underwear to bury the volunteers involved in the research. This underwear will later be removed and examined to find out how much the small creatures have finally destroyed it.
The ecologist and the project’s president say a similar experiment has taken place in Canada. We know that soil health can be learned by burying tea bags in the ground. The farmer and orchard owner involved in the agroscope experiment will also bury the tea bags in the soil so that it can be compared.
Under this experiment, the underwear will be buried under meadows, farms and tree-plants. First an underwear will be removed from the clay and a photo will be clicked. Another underwear will be removed a month later. Once the underwear is removed from the soil, its natural fibers will be analyzed digitally. If there are more holes in the underwear, it means that the soil is healthy.