
Mumbai: Maharashtra education department conducted scholarships examination 7 months ago for 5 and 8, however results are yet not announced leaving thousands of students in the middle of nowhere.

The scholarship exam are Maharashtra held by State Council of Examination every year and this year it was conducted on February 16 across the state. Eventually results were declared within couple of months. However this time it’s been 7 months and yet there is no word on it.

A parent of one of the student said, ‘it has been over seven months now and students are eagerly awaiting their results. There is no word from the department on this. If there is a delay, the least we expect is an announcement.

The department has complained of lack of staff for carrying post-examination procedures owing to COVID-19 followed by lockdown. According to a senior official, due to the lockdown, staffers were not able to scan the answer sheets in time, and hence there is a delay. However, the work of evaluation is almost over and the results should be declared soon.

It also had complaints that this years scholarship question papers were loaded with errors. The mistakes included spelling mistakes, typo errors, translation mistakes etc. The council had later released answer keys for all the papers.

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