
Ratnagiri : Police has registered a case against the doctor of a private hospital in Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra. It is alleged that he was secretly treating the corona infected person. The case came to light after the death of this infected person in the hospital on Wednesday night. Police said that the man had returned from Dubai. The doctor did not tell the patient about the corona infected and his travel history to administration.

Police said that the doctor hid the truth from the administration and hid the patient’s visit to abroad, while it is mandatory for private hospitals to provide all the information of the patient to the administration. Police said a case has been registered against the doctor under sections 279, 270 and 188 of the Indian Penal Code.

Police investigations have revealed that a 50-year-old man who died of Coronavirus arrived here from Dubai on 17 March. Due to ill health, he was admitted to a private hospital. Even after the symptoms of corona appeared in him, he hid the information in the hospital. This is the first death due to corona infection in Ratnagiri district.

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