
New Delhi : The Centre has asked Twitter to remove nearly 1,200 accounts related to farmers’ protest that it suspects to be linked to Khalistan sympathisers or backed by Pakistan. Additionally, the government feels that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey ‘liking’ a few tweets supporting the protest raises questions over the platform’s neutrality.

Since the Red Fort violence, the name of Khalistan has raised a lot in this movement. However, so far no statement has been issued by the government regarding this. These instructions were sent to Twitter at least three days ago.

The official familiar with the matter said, “As 257 Twitter accounts were marked earlier, they have also been selected in the same manner. Instructions have been issued under section 69 (a) of the IT Act which allows the government to take action against posts and accounts that may pose a threat to the country.”

The roads leading to Delhi have been converted into cantonments from the places where the farmers are protesting on the borders near Delhi. The roads are closed with barbed wire and barricades. Barricades of about five layers are installed. Delhi Police say that vigilance has been increased on the violence on the Red Fort on Republic Day.

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