Mumbai : Black fungus (mucormycosis) is causing havoc in the country. Especially in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, black fungus is spreading very fast. Similarly, 1163 cases have been reported in Gujarat and 61 patients have died. Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Gujarat, Chandigarh Rajasthan and Telangana have declared black fungus to be an epidemic.

According to state data, Bihar has the lowest number of 103 cases of black fungus and two deaths. Mucoramycosis has been confirmed in 101 patients in Chhattisgarh and one patient has died. 90 patients have been found in Telangana, ten have died. There are 97 patients of black fungus in Karnataka as well, no deaths here.

So far, 8 deaths each in UP-Haryana, Madhya Pradesh has received a total of 575 cases of black fungus and 31 patients have died according to government figures. Black fungus has been found in 169 people in Uttar Pradesh and eight deaths have been confirmed. 203 patients have been found in Delhi and one has died. 268 patients have been found in Haryana and 8 patients have succumbed.

Injection shortage in Maharashtra
Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope has said that more than 1500 patients have been found in Maharashtra, out of which 850 patients are currently being treated. They reported that a patient may take an average of 60 to 100 injections. In such a situation, on an average one and a half lakhs of injections may be required. If serious patients do not get injections on time, then the disease becomes more serious and it can be a life-threatening risk.

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