Pune News | Man seeks divorce citing low IQ of wife; Court grants him divorce

Pune: Policenama online  – Pune News | The court admitted a divorce petition filed by a man stating that his wife had a low IQ and was dumb and granted him divorce. The couple has been identified as Amol and Anita (names have been changed). They got married on July 6, 2021 but their marriage ended in two years. (Pune News)

A few days after marriage, Amol realised that Anita was not able to do any household work. Amol tried to explain to his wife and pointed out her mistakes and told her to improve. However, he realised that there was no improvement in her behaviour. One day, Anita had kept the gas cylinder on which was turned off by her neighbours. She was repeatedly making such small mistakes. Since he had a doubt, Amol got her IQ test done.

A shocking fact came to light that Anita was dumb. It came to light that Anita doesn’t understand many things. It was necessary to get Anita treated. However, her parents refused to come for her treatment. Hence, to get divorce, Amol submitted a plea in the senior level civil court through Ad Ritesh Bhuskade.

Amol had stated in the plea that he had suffered physical and mental torture. His wife did not attend the hearing and hence, the court delivered an unilateral order. “Amol’s wife treated him in a cruel manner and hence this is a valid reason for divorce,” the court stated and granted the divorce.

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