Pune: The Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) has decided to take steps to prevent copy during the examination that will be conducted for students having backlog subjects. Pune University will be using the ‘proctored test’ method to prevent the malpractices during the exams for backlog subjects which are scheduled after Diwali.

Pune University officials were concerned after several reports of copy during the final year examinations were received. Hence the officials have decided to use the proctored test technology which will help them keep a watch on all activities of students who are appearing for the examinations.

Benefits of proctored exams

  • Login id of every student will be created through the proctor test software
  • Students can login through their mobile, laptop or desktop computer even if the signal strength is less
  • Students can’t leave their place while appearing for the exam
  • Students are barred from the exam if he or she violates the norms despite three warnings

The Pune University conducted examinations for final year students through offline and online mode. This examination was based on Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) pattern. About 1.90 lakh students had appeared for the examinations. However, several students took undue advantage of the technical fault lines during the process and also circulated a video about how to copy during the online exam. This video had gone viral on social media platforms.

The Pune University officials said that it is important that examinations for backlog subjects are conducted in a transparent and qualitative manner. The university will be declaring the results of these exams in December month.

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