New Delhi: In a shocking incident it was revealed that a Man who travelled from Delhi to Guwahati then to West Bengal, has COVID-19 positive result.
Since West Bengal has barred all flights coming in from Delhi, the man flew to Guwahati and took a flight to West Bengal from Guwahati. On arrival, his temperature was checked. It was normal. But he insisted that he had a cough and so he must be sent to a quarantine centre.
The officials checked his temperature again. It was normal again, reports said. Then the man produced the result of his COVID-19 test in which he tested positive. Officials have been pressed into contact tracing as he travelled in two flights to reach Kolkata from Delhi.
According to reports, he is a resident of North 24 Parganas. The incident has shown the chinks in the armour of all COVID surveillance in airports, mobile applications etc.

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