London: Policenama Online –  The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that only the lockdown will not control the coronavirus. The WHO has said that the public health measures are necessary to stop the spread of virus again. This warning from WHO is very important for countries in which the public health system is in a bad state and there is no preparation to fight the corona virus. To stop the spread of the corona virus, a way is being adopted to completely shutdown countries including India.

The organization’s emergency expert, Mike Ryan, said, “We need to focus now on those who are sick, who are suffering from the virus, should be isolated. People they came in contact with should be found and they should also be isolated. If we do not strictly follow public health measures, the threat remains even after the lockdown.”

He added, “When the lockdown or other restrictions are lifted, this disease will again make people a victim.” Mike Ryan cited the example of China, Singapore and South Korea for this. He said that these countries strictly took rescue measures and investigated every suspect. Once it is stopped from spreading, it will still have to be reviewed.

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