Woman who was unable to conceive for 7 years now gave birth to four babies

September 11, 2020

Korba: Woman has given birth to four children simultaneously in a private hospital in Kosabari area. All these children are completely healthy and operated in normal delivery.

A woman gave birth to 4 children at Krishna Hospital, three girls and one boy. Both mother and children are healthy.

Risdi resident Priyanka Kiran was admitted to Krishna Hospital in Kosabari for delivery.
The couple Shankarlal Kiran and Priyanka Kiran were trying for baby since 7 years. However, due to medical issues it was not possible. After 7 years the Priyanka got pregnant delivery four healthy baby.

The father of the children is a teacher in the school . The total weight of all children is said to be a quarter to six kilos. All the infants are pre-matured babies as mother delivered it within eighth month.

Dr. Vishal Upadhyay of the hospital said, this is a are case and delivery of the woman was very challenging task, because the protein level in the woman’s body was very low.

Further added, ‘In the language of medical science it is called quatrex play. Premature delivery could not lead to normal delivery and doctors had to undergo an operation for delivery. However here case was different.