Pune City Shiv Sena Chief Pramod Bhangire Warns Journalist Nikhil Wagle Over Controversial Remarks Against BJP Leaders


Pune: In a heated exchange of words, Pune Shiv Sena city chief Pramod Nana Bhangire issued a stern warning to journalist Nikhil Wagle for his derogatory comments directed at Bharat Ratna awardee and senior BJP leader L. K. Advani, as well as Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Bhangire emphasised that such defamatory remarks aimed at Hindu leaders were unacceptable and detrimental to societal harmony.

The warning came in the form of a press release, in which Bhangire condemned Wagle’s statements as inciting hatred and attacking the integrity of prominent figures within the Hindu community. He stressed the importance of maintaining the democratic spirit while expressing opinions and urged Wagle to retract his objectionable remarks regarding LK Advani immediately.

Bhangire reiterated Shiv Sena’s stance against Wagle’s divisive rhetoric, asserting that the party would not tolerate his presence in Pune city unless he withdrew his offensive statements. Drawing attention to Wagle’s previous contentious remarks about Balasaheb Thackeray, Bhangire underscored the need for accountability and respect towards revered leaders.

The warning from Shiv Sena comes in the wake of a formal complaint filed by BJP leader Sunil Deodhar against journalist Nikhil Wagle. Deodhar’s complaint, registered under G. Reg. No. 26/24, highlighted Wagle’s disparaging remarks made on social media regarding the Bharat Ratna conferred upon L. K. Advani. The complaint emphasised the potential for Wagle’s statements to incite public unrest and tarnish the reputation of respected leaders.

The contentious remarks made by Wagle, according to the complaint, not only insulted the sentiments of numerous activists who hold Advani in high regard but also posed a threat to communal harmony. Deodhar accused Wagle of intentionally defaming leaders and disrupting societal peace with his derogatory statements.

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