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8 die, 26 missing in California boat fire

Los Angeles, Policenama Online -  At least eight people were killed and 26 others reported missing after a commercial diving boat caught fire and capsized in the US state of California, authorities said. Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill…

30 years at Apple, Chief Design Officer Jony Ive quits

Cupertino (California),Policenama online: Jony Ive, Apple’s chief design officer who is behind the look and feel of the iPhone or iMac that you use today, has decided to move on.British-origin Ive who worked at Apple for almost 30 years…

Google to share air quality findings with scientists

San Francisco : Policenama Online - As part of a larger effort to track pollution, Google is releasing air quality data for scientists that it collected from California's Bay Area and Central Valley with its Street View cars under Project…