Indian men make the best husbands! Here’s why


Policenama Online – According to Russian Feminist, Indian men are good husbands. The praise seems to be coming from unexpected quarters for the Indian male.

Indian make the best husbands for Russian women because they are ‘open’ and emotionally attached to their family.

Unlike men growing up in the western countries where countries where they are exposed to superheroes like superman or batman from a very young age, Indian grow up admiring the strength of both men and women. For example, its not just the stories of male deities that Indian men grow up hearing but they were equally exposed to the stories of Durga.

Indian men are especially tolerant and have a placid profile with tranquillity inculcated deep in their mindsets. This quality initiates a calm relationship and help support a healthy environment in marriage.

Shikha Moghe, who’s got married recently. “What I and many others like me look for in a husband today, is an eagerness to share all responsibilities equally.

Indian men are brought up in an environment that is sensitive to women and they have a tendency to dote on their wives.

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