Summer foods that keep your body cool and hydrated


PUNE: We change our wardrobe during the summer to stay cool, but did you know that you should also change your diet? Being outside, exposed to the sun and sweating from the heat can put you at risk of dehydration and vitamin deficiencies. But the solution is fairly simple and tasty too.

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. They also contain beneficial phytochemicals such as lycopene, which help in curing chronic diseases like cancer.

Yogurt is the best choice during summer, as it keeps you cool inside. Yogurt is very rich in protein and thus it reduces muscle pain. It contains probiotics that keep the digestive system good.

Watermelon keeps the body cool and hydrated during summer. Watermelon is high in water and also contains lycopene which protects the skin from damage.

Oranges contain a lot of potassium, which is important in the summer season. According to health experts, potassium released through sweat in the summer can increase the chances of muscle cramps. Eating oranges in summer keeps the required amount of potassium in the body. Orange contains 80 percent juice which keeps you hydrated.

Berries are a good source of fibre. They are rich in Vitamin C. Eating berries keeps your body cool and hydrated. A cup of berries carries 8 grams of fibre.

During the summer, green tea works best to keep you hydrated. According to studies, green tea fights cancer, reduces the risk of heart disease, lowers cholesterol, and cures metabolism.

Eat salad of green leafy vegetables. Green vegetables contain carotenoid which works to make vitamin A in the body. It also protects the skin from damage from scorching heat. You can make it healthier by adding carrots, apricots, watermelon, tomatoes, grapes, and egg yolk to your salad.

In summer, eat a handful of dry fruits. Almonds, cashews, and peanuts are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat. It reduces cholesterol levels.


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