PMC | Civic panel approves proposal to buy specific app for online education

PMC | Civic panel approves proposal to buy specific app for online education
December 22, 2021

Pune : Policenama onlineThe Standing Committee of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has decided to purchase an app to provide online education to students of municipal schools.


The civic body spent Rs 21 crore to provide e-learning in its schools and a hi-tech central studio has been set up in the education department’s building. It has a facility to provide online teaching in all civic schools. It also has set up a modern studio and a virtual classroom in 121 schools. The curriculum to provide online education to students of standard one to six has been prepared.


Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the students of municipal schools did not get education and many students have left the school. The schools have not been able to fully utilise the infrastructure created for online education. The civic body however claims that the infrastructure is being used.


Women and child welfare committee chief Rupali Dhawde has submitted a proposal to the standing committee that an app named ‘ideal study’ should be purchased. The divisions for standard VII to X have started functioning and if the PMC buys the app, it will help the schools to impart education to the students, the proposal says.


When the civic body wants to buy something, a tender is floated. However, the proposal has been approved without much of a debate. When many apps are available, a proposal has been approved to buy only a specific app.